Anne Signe Hørstad joined Transparency International Norway in 2013 where she is a project coordinator for “Building capacity to address corruption risk in humanitarian operations”. Hørstad has her background from international humanitarian work, first at Yme Foundation as a project manager and later at the Norwegian Red Cross HQ as water&sanitation (WASH) adviser with special focus on the Tsunami operation. She has been a facilitator for WASH trainings (Norway and Uganda) and several Emergency Response trainings arranged by Norwegian Red Cross. Still with the Norwegian Red Cross, she was based in Kenya from 2009-2013 as regional WASH coordinator for Africa and The Middle East. She has also joined the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for emergency operations in Pakistan, Kenya and Tunisia. In addition to her humanitarian work, she has been a consultant in environmental geology, working six years in Norway and one year in Botswana. Hørstad holds a cand scient degree in geology from The University of Bergen, Norway from 1992