Sridhar Dharmapuri is the Senior Food Safety and Nutrition Officer at the FAO Regional Office for the Asia-Pacific in Bangkok. He is leading FAO’s work in the region with strong emphasis on strengthening core elements of national food control systems that safeguard public health and enhance trade in food commodities through safe value chains. Supporting nutrition sensitive agriculture and urban and rural food systems for healthy diets is a key aspect of his nutrition portfolio. In his earlier position, he co-ordinated FAO’s largest ever food safety projects in Bangladesh which continue to be instrumental in developing vitally required physical and knowledge-based infrastructure, scientific capabilities and technical documents including guidelines, manuals and codes of practice that provide a sound basis for the modernization of the food control system. Sridhar has also supported multiple projects in Asia and Africa in various capacities with FAO in Rome and earlier the IAEA in Vienna. He has worked as a researcher in applications of molecular biology in agriculture and medicine for more than 10 years. His current research interests include the effects of urbanization on food retail and mainstreaming safety and nutrition through the food chain. He has a doctorate in Life Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India and an MBA from Kansas University, USA.’’